Mortified vegan swallows gnat

By: CJ Fritz, Kitten Critic

Carmen Allen stares out the window of vegan juice bar Highway to Kale, casting her forlorn gaze across the bustling as she relives the tragic moment. She fiddles anxiously with a PETA stress ball (not tested on animals).

As Allen recalls, it was 3:45pm on Sunday when she left her house to jog to the vegan yoga studio, The Carrot Crevice. Dressed in running sandals and full-body spandex, Allen began her pilgrimage.

She had forgotten to eat her typical pre-jog snack of broccoli and radishes topped with grated brussel sprouts and human tears before leaving and could feel herself becoming ravenous.

“I was already preparing mentally to eat the shit out of some raw veggies when I got home,” says Allen. “Drool was pooling in my mouth and cascading down my chin as I ran. My sandals were starting to slosh with saliva.”

Highway to Kale goes quiet as sympathetic vegans listen in on Allen’s horror story. Allen sobs and stammers as she relives her nightmare.

“I- I- I opened my mouth to- to spit out the excess drool and- and- and, oh GOD!” says Allen. “And I swallowed a gnat.”

Screams echo around the juicery. Several vegans collapse to the ground, heartbroken.

“And the worst part is…it tasted fantastic” says Allen.

In the blink of an eye, a riot engulfs the juicery and Allen is decapitated by the enraged mob.

UPDATE: Despite several health code violations, Allen’s severed head now sits atop a spike on the counter in Highway to Kale.


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